Welcome to Saint Andrew Apostle Parish! You will find a warm and loving community here. This website has a great deal of information that will help you become acquainted with Saint Andrew’s.
Please fill out an ADW registration and return it to the rectory office. Registration forms may also be found in the vestibule of the church. This will make it possible for us to communicate with you and to plan and provide for your needs more effectively.
The Mission of Saint Andrew Apostle Parish is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ by living our faith as a Roman Catholic Community in worship, service, and support of one another. We believe that each member is called to discipleship, evangelization, and service to our parish and local community. We celebrate the Lord among us by embracing our diversity and nurturing all our generations as we center our parish life on the Holy Eucharist. Please let us know if you become ill and wish communion to be brought to you, or if you would like your name added to our Prayer List.
In addition to attending Mass on weekends and Holy Days of Obligation, we invite you and your family to become involved in parish life to the extent you are able. Our parish has many organizations and ministries that would welcome your time and talent.
We’re so glad you’re here!