Holy Week Banner 2013


“Beginning with the Easter Triduum as its source of light
the new age of the Resurrection fills the whole liturgical year with its brilliance.
Gradually, on either side of this source, the year is transfigured by the liturgy.”
(Catechism of the Catholic Church)

The liturgical season of Triduum (Latin for “three days”) begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday evening and ends on the evening of Easter Sunday. Counted in the Jewish tradition from sunset to sunset, the Triduum is ONE celebration that marks the end of Lent and the beginning of the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These three days lead us to an empty tomb and an Octave, eight days, of celebrating the Resurrection. They also introduce an entire liturgical season, the Easter Season, which lasts for fifty days until Pentecost.

Holy Thursday

April 6

(There will be no morning Mass on Holy Thursday)


following the liturgy

Mass of the Lord’s Supper

7:00 PM


following the liturgy until Midnight

Good Friday

April 7

(There will be no morning Mass on Good Friday)

Born for This

12:00 PM


1:00 – 3:00 PM

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

3:00 PM

Stations of the Cross

3:15 PM

Celebration of the Passion of the Lord with Veneration of the Cross

(The liturgy will also be live streamed)

7:00 PM


following the liturgy

Holy Saturday

April 8

(There will be no morning Mass on Holy Saturday)

Easter Vigil and Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord

8:00 PM

(There will be no 5:00pm Mass on Holy Saturday)

Easter Sunday

April 9

Easter Masses

8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, and 12:00 PM

(There will be no 5:00pm Mass on Easter Sunday)

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