Our Website is Getting a Brand New Look!

Our website is undergoing an update that will allow its content to be seen more easily on mobile devices. We hope to launch with Our Lady's protection on the Feast of the Annunciation. Come and explore!

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Parish Lenten Mission: March 1, 15, 29

Fr. Jack Kennealy, Msgr. Kevin Hart, and Fr. Blake Evans invite you to a Parish Lenten Mission, “The Eucharist: A Mystery to Be Believed, A Mystery to Be Celebrated, A Mystery to Be Lived” over three Wednesday evenings in Lent. Information is <HERE>.

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Sisters in Christ

Come for gatherings of the Women's Ministry with Father Jack on the first Saturday of the month when we will pray together and share reflections on the Gospel readings. Our next meeting is April 1 beginning at 9:45am. Information is <HERE>.

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Men’s Group

Saint Andrew's Men's Group meets on Saturdays at 7:50-8:50 am, before the 9:00 am Mass, in the all-purpose room. Join them for prayer and discussion of Sunday’s readings. Men of all ages are welcome. Information is <HERE>.

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Parish Synod Report

Our parish response to the Archdiocese’s questions for the 2023 Synod of Bishops is now available <HERE>. Many thanks to all who participated!

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Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is offered in the church on Wednesdays after daily Mass, beginning at 9:15 AM until Benediction at 9:00 PM and at 7:45 PM until 9:00 PM on First Fridays after Mass (with exceptions). More information is <HERE>.

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Ways to Help

<HERE> are some opportunities to help your neighbor during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Continuing Financial Support of the Parish

Please consider using Faith Direct to continue your weekly support of Saint Andrew's through the Faith Direct website <HERE>.

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Pastoral Care of the Sick

Saint Andrew’s provides spiritual and compassionate care for all our parishioners who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, or confined to their own homes. More information is <HERE>.

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Stephen Ministry

If you or someone you know would like help in turning a life crisis into an opportunity for growth and faith, a Stephen Minister is ready to help. See the webpage <HERE> for information.

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Welcome Military Families!

Are you about to PCS to the MD/DC area? We would love to welcome you. If you are seeking a parish home, know you will always be welcomed here, for as long as you are stationed here. Visit our military outreach page <HERE>.

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