Pope Francis has called the entire People of God to journey together. Synod 2021-2023 on Communion, Participation, and Mission in the Universal Church is a process of journeying together by listening, dialoguing, praying, discerning and making decisions together for the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The goal of our journeying together is to be present with one another, to listen and learn with each other, and to grow closer to the Lord and His Church.

How did our parish approach the Synod process?

Saint Andrew’s held two in-person and one virtual listening sessions to provide an opportunity for all of those in the Saint Andrew’s community to gather and share their perspectives on a series of questions from the Vatican. An additional listening session was conducted for our school students. Those unable to attend a session were invited to submit a survey online containing the same questions. The detailed comments were compiled and then incorporated into a written report that was submitted to the Archdiocese of Washington on February 15. You are invited to review both of these documents below. Two parish delegates attended a regional listening session for the Archdiocese on March 12 to further represent to the Bishops the comments shared.

Many thanks to all those who contributed their prayers, time, and insights to forming our parish response to the questions posed. This opportunity to reflect on how we journey together as the people of God at Saint Andrew’s coincided with the arrival of Father Jack as our new pastor and has provided him with some wonderful insights on his new flock.  Already, he has begun to respond to many of the questions raised by participants and the rich suggestions provided as we move forward together as a parish.

Compiled Responses from the Saint Andrew’s Community

Parish Summary Report Submitted to the Archdiocese


UPDATE: The diocesan phase of the Universal Synod has concluded. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington’s Synthesis Report reflects our Synod proceedings and is now available in English and Spanish at the Archdiocesan website <HERE>. The report has been submitted to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.



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