“This is my body.”

Matthew 26: 26


Eucharistic Adoration

Wednesdays from 9:15 am to 9:00 pm in the church

(dates indicated on the calendar)

Saint Andrew’s also periodically celebrates Holy Hours and 24- or 40 Hours of continuous Eucharistic Adoration as announced on our website calendar.

Eucharistic Adoration provides an opportunity to come to pray and worship Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist and exposed on the altar. To see Jesus visibly present under the appearance of the small white host is much more conducive to intimacy than when He is hidden away in the tabernacle.

Adoration begins with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a ceremony in which a priest or deacon removes the Sacred Host from the tabernacle and places it in the lunette of the monstrance, or ostensorium, and elevates it so that all adorers can see it. Incense may be used. O Salutaris Hostia or similar hymn is usually sung at the beginning of exposition, followed by a period of meditation, praise, and adoration.

At the conclusion of the ceremony the Tantum Ergo hymn is chanted, with another incensation, and is followed by a blessing of the people with the raised monstrance in the form of a cross. During the blessing the priest or deacon wears the humeral veil covering his hands and a small bell is rung. The Divine Praises are then sung or recited, and the Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the tabernacle.

You may spend time with Him in Eucharistic Adoration any way you wish. You may bring your own prayer books, read the Bible, pray the rosary, or just sit and relax and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from simply being in the Presence of God.





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