The St. Andrew Apostle Adult Choir is comprised of people of all ages and musical capabilities, who provide music to enhance the liturgies at St. Andrew Apostle.
The Choir is a 4-part/SATB choral group that draws their repertoire from across the ages – including music from as early as the 16th century up to the most contemporary Roman Catholic liturgical music.
Participation in the Choir is not only a beautiful and meaningful way to participate in and enhance the liturgy, but it is also an opportunity for significant spiritual growth and involvement in the parish.
The Adult Choir is open to all adults, including young adults and high school students. No audition is required.
The Choir currently sings regularly at the Sunday 10am Mass and rehearses regularly on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:30pm in the Church, from September through June.
For more information and to register, please contact our Music Director, Theresa Trigiani at .
Cantors provide strong leadership in song for all of the Masses at St. Andrew Apostle.
Regular weekly mass times are Saturdays at 5pm, and Sundays at 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am and 5pm.
If you are interested in this aspect of the music ministry and have the skills, experience and spiritual desire required to lead the congregation in song, please contact our Music Director, Theresa Trigiani at, to arrange an audition.
The Saint Andrew Apostle Children’s Choir is open to Saint Andrew Apostle School children, Faith Formation students and parish children in grades 3 through 8. SAA students rehearse weekly on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:00 PM. Faith Formation students and parish children in grades 3 through 8 are invited to join us for the monthly parish Masses with rehearsals starting at 10:45 AM the day of the scheduled Sunday Mass. Our ministry allows us to sing for school Masses, special events, concerts and for the monthly parish Children’s Liturgy. Let’s make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Click <HERE> to see the welcome letter, schedules, and on-line registration information.
Please contact Theresa Trigiani, Director of Music at for more information.
St. Andrew Apostle welcomes instrumentalists in the parish who are interested in contributing their talents towards the enrichment of the liturgies. (We currently have flute, oboe, trombone and trumpet players who regularly contribute their talents to the music at SAA.)
If you are interested in playing for our Masses, please contact our Music Director – Theresa Trigiani at