Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine

of the Holy Family

Saturday, July 16, 2022

8:45am – 12:30pm

Women Walking with Christ is a series of summer excursions to local sacred places offered by the Saint Andrew Apostle Women’s Ministry that provide an opportunity for prayer and fellowship with other parish women.

Join Father Jack and the Women’s Ministry for our second excursion of the summer as we unite in prayer at the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family. The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is a Byzantine Rite Eastern Catholic Church in full communion with the worldwide Catholic Church.


8:45 am        Depart Saint Andrew’s
9:15 am        Arrive at the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family
9:30 am        Rosary
10:00 am      Divine Liturgy (Celebrant: Father Robert Hitchens)
11:00 am      Social and Spiritual Reflection Time
12:00 pm      Depart Shrine
12:30 pm      Arrive St Andrew’s

4250 Harewood Rd. NE, Washington, DC 20017 

Questions? Contact Lisa Longacre at

Print our flyer <HERE>


As summer is traditionally a time to slow down and perhaps find extra time for spiritual reading, we’ll be suggesting a book related to each of our summer excursions that you might consider reading (or re-reading) in the days before or after our trip. For the trip to the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family, we are recommending:

He Leadeth Me by Father Walter Ciszek, S.J. and Father Daniel Flaherty, S.J.

Click <HERE> for information on the publisher’s website.

Father Walter J. Ciszek was a Polish-American Jesuit priest of the Russian Greek Catholic Church. Captured by a Russian army during World War II and convicted of being a “Vatican spy,” Father Ciszek spent 23 agonizing years in Soviet prisons and the labor camps of Siberia. Only through an utter reliance on God’s will did he manage to endure the extreme hardship. He Leadeth Me is a book to inspire all Christians to greater faith and trust in God–even in their darkest hour. As Father Ciszek asks, “What can ultimately trouble the soul that accepts every moment of every day as a gift from the hands of God and strives always to do his will?”

Father Ciszek is now being considered for beatification in the Roman Catholic Church.

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