The Lord of Light

Allow the Light of Christ to fill any darkness you may be experiencing these days. The Lord of Light is still here.

Are You in Our Midst?

Father Dan Leary reminds us that God does not abandon us. He is present in the Eucharist. Be not afraid; He is in our midst.

Go Into the Cloud

This week Father Dan Leary challenges us to “go into the cloud,” for it is there that Christ will reveal Himself and magnify Himself.


Believe it or not, temptation can be seen as a blessing. If you are struggling with any sin allow the Lord to guide you and lead you through the temptation.

It’s About Love More Than Sacrifice

The ultimate goal of Lent is to deepen our love for Christ, not our heroic sacrifices. This Lent Father Dan Leary asks us to turn to Our Lady for help […]


Father Dan shares the kind of wisdom the Holy Spirit shares with us, that penetrates hearts and changes souls. Pray for that gift.

Shine on Every Aspect of My Life

The Light in today’s Gospel is not only for others but for ourselves. Let us not hide the light from our own sins and wounds.

The Great Contradiction

Father Dan Leary reminds us that what may seem failure to the world is not failure to the Lord.

Faith Over Doubt

This week Father Dan Leary challenges us to recognize where we doubt the power of God and pray for the gift of Faith.

Servant of the Lord

God can use our fears and weaknesses as moments of God’s glory. May nothing hinder us from becoming a Servant of the Lord.

Live Your Baptism

The graces we receive at Baptism are meant to be used to live out our Christian life and share it with those we encounter.

Have You Gone Back Another Way?

Have you recognized the voices of any Herods in your life? Father Dan Leary challenges us to transform our lives and chose another way.


Do we recognize how important our families are with their perfections and flaws? Father Dan challenges us to pray for our families.

Look for the Light

Merry Christmas from St. Andrew Apostle Parish. The Light that shines in the darkness has come.

Locust and Honey

The Gospel focuses on John the Baptist and his dietary needs, but beneath it we uncover the freedom of walking in the light of Christ.

Are You Tired?

“Now is the time to awaken.” Do you find the things of the day burdensome leaving you tired and overwhelmed? As we enter into the season of Advent, Father Dan […]

Christ the King

Christ conquers all, but Christ will not win our hearts until we willingly surrender.

Are You Prepared?

As Christians we struggle with the thought of not being ready for the Lord’s 2nd coming. Father Dan Leary says this week that “I didn’t know” is no longer an […]

Enter the Battle

Christ has already won the battle against evil but He allows us to enter the battle. With Christ there is victory!

Bored with Christ

From the story of Zacchaeus, Father Dan challenges us to see how we look at Christ. Are we looking down at Christ from a tree, bored with our faith, or […]

Pour Out

Father Dan challenges us this week to pour yourself out for the Lord. The more you give the more the Lord will fill you.

Spiritual Leprosy

Father Dan shares his personal experience at a leper colony. This weekend, we read in the Gospel the story of the 10 lepers who called out for pity and then […]

Dormant Mustard Seed

Do you have a special talent, a mustard seed, that is dormant that needs a little watering of prayer a little light of Christ to really shine and give glory […]


Probably one of the greatest cultural wounds of our time is indifference. Fr. Dan challenges us to recognize others. “Do not be indifferent but be an instrument of God’s grace.”

We Become What We Serve

There is always that tension in our lives on who to serve, the Lord or ourselves. Father Dan warns us that we can become what we serve.

Am I Good Enough?

This week Fr. Dan challenges us to do two things. 1st: To stop focusing on our inadequacy. 2nd: Allow yourself to be used by God to correct others. God will […]


Discipline is not just meant for Lent or Advent. Fr. Dan Leary challenges us to look at how we discipline ourselves to give greater glory to God.

I Want To Be Recognized

This week Fr. Dan challenge’s us to look for opportunities for humility. God recognizes you.

Disdain for Discipline

This week we recognize the times the Lord has disciplined us and the fruits that followed, all toward making us a Disciple.


Christ comes not to just bring peace but to divide us from the things that do not bring us joy. Sometimes those things are relationships.